The Reserve Bank has the sole right to issue currency notes, except one rupee notes which are issued by the Ministry of Finance. The RBI follows a minimum reserve system in the note issue. Initially, it used to keep 40 percent of gold reserves in its total assets.
The army men or the commander-in-chief (A)/were not ready (B)/to accept defeat so easily, (C)/so they fought fiercely (D).
Identify the segment in the sentence which contains the grammatical error
A large section of a hotel under construction collapse in New Orlean...
It was he who came running in the house with the news about the earthquake.
After flagging off the campaign and the budget bus, (A)/the Chief Commissioner said that Begnaluru (B)/is far more participatory while compared to other...
Select the option that arranges the given words to form a grammatically correct and meaningful sentence.
A. Their prestige and glory spread far a...
Read the sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The le...
Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the part with the error as...
You can cook up (A)/the most wanted criminals all over (B)/the world at Most Wanted, a site that (C)/links up to law enforcement's desired baddies (D).
The Modi government had earlier (A)/refuses to hold bilateral talks on (B)/any issue other than the boundary (C).
It farther stipulates that retail sales outlets be set up only in cities with a population of more than 10 lakh.