An insurance policy is a contract (usually a standard form contract) between the insurer and the insured, known as the policyholder, which sets out the claim that the insurer is legally required to pay. In lieu of initial payment, it is known as Premium.
Select the word with the correct spelling.
Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and click the button corresponding to it.
In each question below, a sentence is given with a part of it printed in bold type. That part may contain a grammatical error. Each sentence is followe...
Choose the correctly spelt word
Select the wrongly spelt word.
In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correct word.
In 2021, his company will launch a vehicel that is capable of servicing two to three dozen satellites in a distant geostationary orbit.
Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
In each of the questions below, a sentence is given with four words highlighted in bold in the sentence. Among these bold words, one may be wrongly sp...
The manager appreciated her dedication and committment to the project.