India's Pankaj Advani has lifted his 26th world title as he won the World IBSF Billiards Championship 2023 in Doha, Qatar. Pankaj defeated opponent Sourav Kothari with 1000-416 margin in the final. Yesterday, Advani stormed into the final with a convincing victory over fellow Indian Rupesh Shah.
Match the following:
1. Propping : A) cutting of pseudostem after harvesting.
2. D...
Which pest poses a major threat to tobacco crops, causing leaf damage by feeding on the foliage, and how is this pest managed effectively?
Photorespiration is high in -
Which of the following is popularly known as queen of nut crops?
Family of Anola is
When the activity of one gene is suppressed by the activity of a non-allelic gene, it is known as
The site specific crop management approach that applies agro-chemicals to the field in an economical and environment friendly manner is known as ____.
Detasseling is done in maize to ______
The site of protein synthesis is:
Safflower oil is valued for its high