It is named after the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (1701–1744), who proposed the first version of it in 1742. The unit was called centigrade in several languages (from the Latin centum, which means 100, and gradus, which means steps) for many years.
How many boxes are kept above the one that contains Papaya?
How many Floors are there in the building?
What is the sum of the experience of the persons living on floor numbers 6, 4, and 1?
Who among the following teaches ‘Chemistry’
How many person(s) live(s) between Esha and Gini?
Who among the following likes Montblanc?
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which one does not belong to that group?
Who among the following lives on floor 2?
____ lives on the bottommost floor.
Which of the following statement is/are not true?
I) Y attends the seminar just after R.
II) Three persons attending the seminar between P...