Indian Railways has proposed an investment of at least ₹11,00,000 crore across three upcoming freight and cargo corridors — the energy, mineral and cement corridor, the port connectivity corridor, and the high traffic density corridors. The corridors will include 434 smaller projects and lead to an addition of over 40,000 km over the next six to eight years.
The central government has launched the “Mera Ration Mobile App” in the country on
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana -National Rural Livelihoods Mission observes Rashtriya Poshan Maah in the month of
Who is currently serving as the chairman of National Dairy Development Board?
Which state use blockchain technology for seed distribution?
India’s first vaccine to prevent Lumpy Disease was developed by which of the following Institute?
The all type of fertilisers, whether it is DAP, NPK or urea will be sold under the brand name of Bharat under the scheme………………..
...The scientific study of diseases in plants, identification of the pathogen and their management is known as
Which of the following country approved the commercial cultivation of GM Mustard?
Which of the following organizations have launched the "Kritagya (Krishi-Raknik-Gyan) Hackathon"?
Who was banned from football for three years by FIFA for misconduct at the Women's World Cup final?