Mauritius (24%), Singapore (23%), USA (9%), Netherland (7%) and Japan (6%) emerge as top 5 countries for FDI equity inflows into India FY 2022-23. Top 5 sectors receiving highest FDI Equity Inflow during FY 2022-23 are Services Sector (Finance, Banking, Insurance, Non Fin/ Business, Outsourcing, R&D, Courier, Tech.
Which of the following statement is definitely true?
P, F’s father, has a grandchild, Vartika is the mother of K who has a son N, but K is not the daughter. K has a brother. Vartika and P are married...
Who is Grandson of O?
Who among the following persons is a female member of the family?
R's brother T, is the grandfather of V's son. How is T related to V if V has no siblings?
If 'A + B' means 'A is wife of B', 'A - B' means 'B is brother of A', 'A X B' means 'B is sister of A', 'A ÷ B' means 'A is father of B'. In the given ...
How is P related to S?
How is I’s mother related to J?
Which of the following statement is true regarding F?
M and K are brothers. C and A are sisters. M’c son is A’c brother. How is K related to C?