Former Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar hoisted the world's largest tricolor on the tallest flag-post at Ranchi's popular, Pahari Mandir, or 'Fansi Dungri'. The place, which was considered as the 'hanging point' of Britishers, now stands as the location of the world's largest tri-colour.
The case of Kashmira Singh V. State of M.P. Is related to
The objects of the Insurance Advisory Committee shall be__________________
As per the Sales of Goods Act, 1930 when does an agreement to sell becomes a sale?
Under the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 a State Government shall not grant a mineral concession to any person unless such pe...
What is the source of International Commercial Arbitration in India?
Preventive relief is granted at the discretion of the court by injunction, temporary or perpetual is provided under which section of the Specific Relief...
What does the term "res judicata" mean in the context of the Civil Procedure Code?
Where shall the State Government establish a police control room?
Before a suit is instituted against the Government a notice has to be issued to the government as per which section of CPC?
The specific performance of a contract may not be obtained by: