Article 326 defines Universal Adult Franchise as the basis for elections to all levels of the elected government in India. The Universal Adult Franchise refers that all citizens who are 18 years and above irrespective of their caste or education, religion, colour, race and economic conditions are free to vote.
Seven persons R, S, T, U, V, W and X, live in a seven-storey building, but not necessarily in the same order. S lives two floors above X. X lives on an ...
Which of the following combinations is true? [Person – No. of theory works – No. of Projects]
____ lives on first floor.
How many tests are scheduled between tests of Q and T?
Five articles, Pen, Pencil, Lamp, Sharpener and Book, are kept one above the other (not necessarily in the same order). The Pen is four places above the...
Who among the following live immediate below C?
Who among the following person is living on floor number three?
The difference between age of C and A is?
Who among the following persons is/ are living in Flat A?
I) A
Who among the following lives at the topmost floor?