The Government of India Act 1833 converted the title into "governor-general of India", effective from 22 April 1834. The title "viceroy and governor-general" was first used in the queen's proclamation appointing Viscount Canning in 1858.
Which of the following is correct with respect to sedition______________________
Which of the following obligations are laid down by Section 12 of Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002 on banking companies, financial institutions a...
The definition of movable property under IPC excludes______________________
Order XXI of C.P.C. is related with :
As per the Companies Act persons not eligible for appointment as an auditor of a company are ___________
What is the liability of bailee making unauthorized use of goods bailed?
Every agreement in restraint of the marriage of any person_________
What do "regulations" refer to according to the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act?
As per the Motor Vehicles Act where the applicant does not pass the test; he may be permitted to re-appear for the test _________________
Where neither party makes any appropriation, how shall the payment be applied in discharge of the debts?