The Non-Cooperation Movement was called off by Gandhiji after the incident of Chauri Chaura in Uttar Pradesh. On 5th Feb of 1922, the protest became violent when protesting people set fire to a police station, burning 22 policemen alive.
What substance coats the epidermis of leaves and herbaceous stems to reduce water loss?
Which plant has stomata only on the upper surface of its leaves?
Brassica carrinata is a cross between
Which experiment demonstrated that food is translocated through the phloem?
What is produced during the oxidation of pyruvate before entering the Krebs cycle?
How many ATP molecules are required in the C₄ pathway for the synthesis of one molecule of glucose?
Which process share the same pathway as glycolysis but in opposite direction?
Which hormone is involved in the bolting of rosette plants like cabbage and promotes stem elongation?
Which statement about transpiration is true?
What structure controls the opening and closing of stomata?