On 6 February 2024, the Court elected Judge Nawaf Salam (Lebanon) as President and Judge Julia Sebutinde (Uganda) as Vice-President.
In the process of micropropagation, plantlets are gradually acclimatized before plantation in farm
Which of the following is NOT an element of marketing mix?
Which of the following element is not involved in chlorophyll structure?
Nitrification inhibitor inhibits the activity of
ATMA Scheme was approved on________. The Scheme has made extension system farmer driven and farmer accountable
Which of the following statements is INCORRECT with respect to the Enterobacteriaceae family?
In active packaging Potassium permanganate act as….
Which factor primarily contributes to “sorghum sickness” observed in fields after harvesting the crop?
The planting of succeeding crop before the harvesting of standing crops is:
The Law of Segregation states that: