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Underdogs Netherlands beat in-form South Africa by 38 runs to win their first match of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 in Dharamshala.
Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are three workers, employed by a Contractor. They completed the whole work in 20 days. Initially all of them worked together, ...
P can do a piece of work in 20 days, Q can do the same piece of work in 24 days while R can do it in 30 days. They started working together but after 4 ...
4 girls working together for 1 day complete the same amount of work as 6 men working together for 1 day. The efficiency of 1 man ...
A can complete 25% of work in five days. And this takes four days more than B to complete the whole work. They started the work together but after X day...
A can do a work in 45 days and the same the work is done in 15 days by A and B together, then in how many days B can complete the 20% of work?
A man takes 200 days to finish a work alone. If he started working alone and joined by one more man having same efficiency as of him every day from 2nd ...
Working together, A and B can do a certain work in 45 days. They work together for 10 days. They complete the remaining work in 28 days with the assista...
Eight men and five boys together earn ₹3,240 in 6 days. Meanwhile, three men and two boys working together take 12 days to earn ₹2,484. How many day...
Ajay, Bablu and Chirag can complete a certain work in 21, 28 and 15 days respectively. Ajay and Chirag started the work while Bablu joined them after 5 ...
Akhil and Nikhil together can complete a work in 9 days while Nikhil alone takes 12 days to complete 50% of the work. If the efficiency of Sachin is 20%...