Why was the SSLV (Small Satellite Launch Vehicle) developed by ISRO?
SSLV is the new small satellite launch vehicle developed by ISRO to cater the launch of small satellites up to 500 kg to Low Earth Orbits on ‘launch-on-demand’ basis.
In a code language, 561 means ‘previous letters arranged’, 501 means ‘previous letters compiled, 063 ‘compiled alphabets arranged’. Find the c...
How will "Keep Fear From" will be coded in the given language?
Which of the following is the code for " teach lesson "?
In a certain language ’which have strong legs’, is written as ‘d@f15 s#y12’ h@q18 o@j12, then what does ‘modern house&rsqu...
Which of the following is coded as ‘fir ugk hip’?
Which of the following is code of ‘ smile always be ’?
If TVQFSTUJUJPO is written as TSFQVTOPJUJU, then how is VOEFSDPWFSFE written as?
Which of the following is the code for ‘opera’?
What is the code for “establish” in the given code language?