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The RBI-DPI has been constructed with March 2018 as the base period, that is, the DPI score for March 2018 is set at 100. In September 2019, the index stood at 173.49, which rose to 217.74 in September 2020, and to 304.06 in September 2021.
The rivers Ken and Betwa are tributaries of which larger river?
Which of the following mahajanapadas was situated in Madhya Pradesh?
Which country will host the 2018 Men’s Hockey World Cup
राजस्थान में नवाबों की नगरी के नाम से विख्यात है -
Corporate cannot issue Commercial Papers
Warren Hasting became the first Governor General of India in which of the following years?
Manas Wildlife Sanctuary is in which of the following Indian state?
Strait of Kerch links which of the following two seas?
In which state is the famous Amer Fort located?
The Passenger – India Book is written by?