Noted Hindi Writer Pushpa Bharati to Receive 33rd Vyas Samman. The literary world is set to celebrate as the 33rd Vyas Samman, 2023, is announced to honor the accomplished Hindi writer Pushpa Bharati for her 2016 memoir, "Yaadein, Yaadein aur Yaadein."
An ordinance regarding the prohibition of alcohol was passed on 1st July, 1996. Later on it was withdrawn on –
Available soil water capacity is the moisture held between field capacity and the permanent wilting point. The soil water potential at the permanent wil...
Crop growing season with AE < PE/4
The type of activity of Bacillus Megaterium bioinoculant in soil is
Under the Per Drop More Crop (PDMC) Scheme, what is the subsidy percentage for Small & Marginal farmers?
Which among the following fishes is not a surface water (pelagic) fish?
Rainfall erosion depends upon the following except one. Identify the odd one.
The maximum amount of energy is liberated on oxidation of ____
Which of the following is not a function of the Designated Officer Under Food safety and Standards Act?
According to 3rd Advance estimate of foodgrain production 2021-22, the total food grain production has been estimated to be