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Huli Vesha or Tiger faced dance is a dance form unique to coastal Karnataka.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
It is believed that physical exercise is ______ for creating a balance between the body ...
In the given question a sentence is given with a blank and you have to choose an appropriate word from the given options that can fill the sentence mak...
The Reserve Bank of India has ………… Master directions on the issuance and operation of prepaid payment instruments (PPI) in t...
Given below are two sentences with one blank each. You are provided with five options. Both blanks must be filled with only one word or one option. Iden...
Given below are a few sentences with two blanks in each. Below each sentence are given four pair of words among which one pair might fill the blank. If...
The Raman effect ____________ from the inelastic scattering of radiation in the visible region by molecules.
1. In the affairs of nations, large and powerful ones long have ______ their wills on the small and weak ones.
2. The chamber exercises a complet...
(A) The committee's ___________ on the matter will be final and binding.
(B) The court's ____________ was in favor of the defendant, leading to a...
Choose the correct alternative out of the four choices given below each sentence.
Books are very often compared _______ a granary
The ________ between the two nations resulted in years of peaceful relations.