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Suvarnagiri at the southern extent of the Mauryan Empire had gold mines and therefore, was an important source of revenue for the empire.
Which of the following live just below B?
T reached the school before D but after L. V reached the school before T but after K reached the school. L reached the school just after V reached the s...
Five persons T, U, V, W and X have different weights. U is the lightest person. V is heavier than W but lighter than X. T is lighter than W. Who among t...
If all the digits of the number 6284593 are arranged in descending order from left to right, the position of how many digit /digits will remain unchanged?
Among five friends W is taller Z but not as K. U is taller than K but not as O. If they stand in decreasing order according to their heights then who st...
Six friends L, M, N, O, P, Q have different heights. M is taller than only Q. L and N are taller than Q but shorter than O, who is not the tallest. Whos...
How many persons are younger than P?
All 130 students in a class are standing in a row facing north. Gyan is 19th from the right end and Misha is 10th from left end ...
Five friends M, N, O, P and Q have different heights but not necessarily in the same order. M is taller than N. Q is taller than P, who is taller than N...
Ruchi ranks 7th from the top while Rohan ranks 20th from the bottom in an exam marks list. If there is one rank between Ruchi an...