All India Police Commando competition commenced at A.P. Police Greyhounds training facility in Visakhapatnam. It was the 14th edition of the All India Police Commando Competition.
Mendel chose ………….. pairs of contrasting characters for his study. In all the above crosses he obtained a definite phenotypic ratio of ………...
The term used in genetics in which an offspring to resemble its parent is known as
Which of the following micro organism is used in genetic engineering?
The type of inheritance in which a sex linked gene is inherited from grandfather to grandson through daughter is called as
Which technology is used to amplify the DNA molecule?
When one single gene starts affecting multiple traits of living organisms, this phenomenon is known as…………………..
...The moulting hormone in insects is secreted by which part of their body?
Bouquet stage is another name of
Jaya, a high yielding variety developed in India which outyield both its parent was a cross between
The gene is considered the basic unit of inheritance which are passed from parents to offspring. The alternate form of a gene is termed as