The first industrial policy was announced in 1948. The first industrial policy statement of India is known as Industrial Policy Resolution, 1948. Industrial Policy Resolution,1948 defined the role of the State in industrial development both as an entrepreneur and authority.
To which state does the popular folk singer Teejan Bai belong to?
Where is the Ranthambore National Park located?
What is the literacy rate among males in India according to the Literacy Rate 2011 census?
Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh
Highest forest area is found in which state?
Two lenses of powers +2.0 D and –2.5 D are combined to make an optical instrument. The combination will
In the first phase of the green revolution, the use of HYV seeds was restricted to the more affluent of which group of states?
Bori Wildlife Sanctuary is in which district?
Which organization has announced plans to develop an integrated network of around 10,000 kilometers of optic fiber cables (OFC) infrastructure across In...
Mughal miniature painting reached its peak during the rule of _____