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The report is released by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). As per Human Development Index Ranking (2020), Hong Kong, China (SAR) has the highest life expectancy at birth (years), which is 84.9 years. India has been positioned at 131 out of 189 countries and territories, according to Human Development Index report (2020). As per Human Development Index Ranking (2020), India's life expectancy at birth (years) is 69.7 years. According to all three Dimensions (Life expectancy, Access to knowledge, and standard of living) of HDI-2020, Norway (1st) topped the index, followed by Ireland (2nd), Switzerland (3rd), Hong Kong (4th), and Iceland (5th).
Which extension method is suitable for demonstrating techniques like preparing nursery beds, treating seeds with insecticides, line sowing, soil samplin...
_______is a fast-growing crop that is grown between successive plantings of a main crop.
The optimum temperature for growth and head of cabbage is ________
Photosynthesis cycle of C₃ plants is
The ICAR was established during which of the following year:
…………………silkworm spp. Is commonly reared in Ricinus communis
Necrotic streak in flag leaf of wheat is due to the deficiency of:
Sowing time of pea is:
Alcoholic beverages are obtained with the help of
_______are plants that have chromosome numbers which are not an exact multiple of the haploid number.