The actual or realised value of a variable, as opposed to its planned value, is called Ex post. Ex-post, which means "after the fact" in Latin, is another term for actual returns.
How is G related to E?
How is E related to I?
How is K related to J?
Raj is the brother of Rishu. Karni is the sister of Ajay. Rishu is the son of Karni. How is Raj related to Ajay?
If P is the brother of W, then how will P be related to the mother-in-law of H?
Sonam introduced a woman in a function, “She is the wife of the only son of my father’s brother’. How is the woman related to Sonam?
A and Z are siblings. B has two children and he is son of Y, who is father-in-law of C. C has only one son. Z is not granddaughter of Y. How is A relate...
How is T’s father related to W, if W is a female?
How is C related to D?
How is M related to J?