DRDO is a military research and development wing of the Ministry of Defence, headquarters in New Delhi, India. It was founded in 1958.
A set of three statements regarding Gender Ratio and Female Literacy, as per the Fourth National Family Health Survey Report was released in early 2016 ...
Which is the first state in India to have a policy on Transgenders?
Constitutionally the second most senior office in the country is:
Consider the following statements aboutPashupatinath Temple:
1. Recently the sale and consumption of meat, alcohol, and other intoxicants...
Which of the following is TRUE regarding the Jawahar Rozgar Yojna (JRY)?
The Amar Jawan Jyoti at the India Gate was merged with the eternal flame at the National War Memorial (NWM). In which year Prime Minister Narendra Modi ...
A set of three statements regarding NATIONAL FAMILY HEALTH SURVEY are given below. Read each statement and answer whether each statement is true or fals...
The world’s largest digital mass education programme - IAP HEALTHPHONE PROGRAMME ,for addressing the malnutrition in women and children has been launc...
Match the following Set 1 (A, B, C, D Options) with Set 2 (P, Q, R, S) to form meaningful pairs.
Set 1
A) Integrated Rural Developmen...
International Monetary System is considered good if it fulfils which of the following objectives?
i. maximizes the flow of foreign trade and f...