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The Inter-Governmental Framework Agreement signed between India and the UAE aims to enhance bilateral relations and strengthen connections in the Ports, Maritime, and Logistics sectors through the empowerment and operation of the India-Middle East Europe Economic Corridor, promoting regional connectivity and economic integration.
Teosinte is closely associated with which of the following crops?
Which of the following is silk cotton tree?
House used for rearing chicks from day –old with arrangements of artificial heating and light is known as?
Which country is often credited with the development of the art of bonsai?
Which of the following statement is/are true?
Statement A: When a weed spp. is already resistance to a herbicide shows resistance to other herbic...
The FSSAI comprises of a Chairperson and twenty two members out of which ___are to be women.
Whether use of Mustard oil as a Class -1 Preservatives/binding Agent/ingredient in Compounded Asafoetida is allowed?
RNA acts as genetic material in
Match list I with list II
Trashing, Arrowing and Ratooning are common practices in