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The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by an order dated February 06, 2024 imposed a monetary penalty of ₹32.30 lakh (Rupees Thirty two lakh thirty thousand only) on Canara Bank (the bank) for non-compliance with certain directions issued by RBI on ‘Data Format for Furnishing of Credit Information to Credit Information Companies and other Regulatory Measures’
In which disease post-mortem of the animal is not performed?
What is the primary purpose of using biofloc technology in intensive pisciculture?
Which test is commonly used to detect the presence of starch in milk adulteration?
The combination of physiological events which take place starting with estrus (heat) and ending with the next heat is termed estrous cycle. The estrous ...
Out of these, which is not a buffalo breed ?
Which one is the American type breed of poultry?
Doe is the term referred to
Which of the following is the prominent dual purpose breed of north India widely spread in Indo Gangetic plains, primarily reared for bullock production...
A selective form of breeding in which the sire and dam are related which some refer to as a mild form of inbreeding is called:
Which color sticky traps are used for aphids and white fly?