Axis Mutual Fund has garnered over Rs 3,400 crore through the Axis India Manufacturing Fund new fund offer. The fundraise is the highest in the thematic category so far this year.
Financial product under IFSCA Act 2019 does not include
Which of the following is/are considered in the Risk Threshold 3, mandatory actions of the Prompt Corrective Action
A. Restriction on divi...
According to the provisions of the Companies Act related to independent directors, which of the following statements is correct?
Operating risk is most likely to increase as a result of _______
Which institution regulates the India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Limited (IIBX)?
What significant role has BSE Limited been recognized for by SEBI in a recent circular, and what are its responsibilities under this recognition?
What can be the maximum proportion of base size for anchor investors can be decided by an issuer at EBP?
The RBI’s guidelines on the formation of new districts in Madhya Pradesh, issued in January 2024, designated which bank as the Lead Bank for the newl...
Which of the following style of leadership is characterised by high relationship orientation and high task orientation?
What is the minimum number of members required to form an Audit committee of the Board?