Which project between India and Spain involves developing a new class of antibiotics against gram-negative bacterial infections?
The CURATIVE project, a collaborative effort involving Indian and Spanish entities, focuses on developing a new class of antibiotics targeting the FabI enzyme to combat critical gram-negative bacterial infections. Funded by the Technology Development Board, this initiative utilizes artificial intelligence tools and adheres to the eNTRy rules and WHO guidelines for combating Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), highlighting the global effort to address the pressing issue of antibiotic resistance through innovation and international collaboration.
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा शब्द तत्सम नहीं है?
' पीपर पात सरिस मन डोला ' पंक्ति में अलंकार है:
कौन - सा वाक्य शुद्ध है ?
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'प्राची ' का पर्यायवाची शब्द है __________
' आविर्भाव ' शब्द का विलोम है __________
“तू तुम और आप” ________________ पुरुषवाचक सर्वनाम है।
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