Shogatsu falls on the Japanese New Year's celebration, the familiar date of January 1 according to the Gregorian calendar, but in Japan the festivities stretch out before and after. It is considered one of the biggest festivals in Japan.
Name the vegetative propagation techniques where the plant part to be cut is rooted before it is completely cut away from the parent plant.
What term describes the interaction where one organism kills and eats another organism?
Family cecidomyidae belongs to order:
Which of the following is the correct formula for Joule’s law of heating?
Glutathione -S-transferase is responsible for the selectively of
Soil water potential at permanent wilting point is
Which of the following crop enriches the nitrogen content of the soil?
Aroma in garlic is due to the presence of
What will be the cropping intensity of maize + urdbean - wheat rotation on 2 ha area?
The practice of cultivation in the air is termed as .......................... ?