Kerala ranked first, followed by Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh in the second position. The third position was shared by Goa, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Among the Union Territories, Chandigarh was ranked first, followed by Delhi, Lakshadweep and Puducherry in the second place and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands on the third
16, 24, ?, 64, 104, 168, 272
99, 101, 107, 131, 251, ?
The question below is based on the given series I. The series I satisfy a certain pattern, follow the same pattern in series II and answer the questions...
840, 2520, 630, 3150, ?, 3675
114, 156, ?, 238, 274, 304
58 69 56 ? 54 73
...8 24 48 144 288 ?
...32, 42, 62, 92, ?, 182
9, 20, 63, ?, 1285, 7716
74, 84, 64, 104, ?, 184