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R S. Sarkaria chaired the first three-member commission for determining the relationship between the Center and the State.
Which of the following is not considered as temperate fruit?
Which of the following is an objective/visual extension teaching method?
…………….. refers to removal of field heat (quick cooling) after harvest; if not, its deterioration is faster at higher temperature of 1 hour at ...
4 'A' model of rural marketing includes:
In high air humidity more water moves into the leaves than is being lost to the air and the more delicate cell walls in the leaf may burst. The conditio...
If a government uses barriers to foreign products such as biases against a foreign company's bids, or product standards that go against a foreign compan...
Vascular – arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) is known for;
Tea Mosquito Bug is the major pest of
Saline soil having
(A) pH<8.5
(B) E.C.>4
(C) ESP<15
(D) Physical condition - Flocculated
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Which monsoon is responsible for rainfall in tamil nadu