The Malaysian Ringgit is the currency unit of the Malaysian currency with the code MYR. Ringgit have banknotes worth RM100, RM50, RM20, RM10, RM5, RM1 and 50 sen (cent) coins, as well as 20 sen, 10 sen, and 5 sen coins. The Name “Ringgit” derived from the Spanish silver money which was widely used in ancient times
Find the difference between the average no. of cars sold by V in all the 3 Qrtrs to the total no. of cars sold by Y in all 3 Qrtrs?
Monthly expenditure of a family on different heads is shown in the following pie chart.
The amount spent on Children Education. Transport and Ren...
Number of cars sold by W in the 3rdQrtr is approximately what percent of the number of cars sold by Y in the 2ndQrtr.?
Which of the following statement is correct?
What is the ratio of number of cars sold by X, Y and Z in the 3rd Qtr. to the number of cars sold by V, W and Z in the 1stQrtr?