Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), commonly known as Teflon , is made by heating tetrafluoroethylene under high pressure with a free radical initiator or a peroxide catalyst. This process involves polymerization, where the monomers (tetrafluoroethylene) are converted into a polymer (PTFE) using these catalysts to initiate and propagate the reaction.
If “+” means “minus”, “×” means “divided by”, “÷” means “plus”, and “-“ means then “multiplied by”
180 × 9 –...
Select the correct sequence of mathematical signs to replace the ‘@’ signs so as to balance the given equation.
252 @ 28 @ 11 @ 5 @ 22 = 42
Which two signs should be interchanged to make the given equation correct?
8 – 32 + 20 × 15 ÷ 3 = 271
Select the correct combination of mathematical signs that can sequentially replace the * signs and make the equation correct.
45 $ 5 $ 68 $ 17$ 12 = 37
If ‘#’ means ‘×’, ‘%’ means ‘+’, ‘^’ means ‘÷’ and ‘*’ means ‘-’, then the value of 36 % 8 * 5 # 4 ^ 2 is ___.
...Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to sequentially replace the * signs and balance the given equation.
65 * 45 * 25 * 5 * 35 * 60
If '+' means 'subtraction', ' X ' means 'addition', '-' means 'division' and '÷' means 'multiplication', then what is the value of the following expres...
Select the correct combination of mathematical signs that can sequentially replace the * signs and balance the given equation.
44 * 392 * 7 * 11 ...
If 'A' stands for '-', 'B' stands for '×', 'C' stands for '+', and 'D' stands for '÷', then what is the value of the following expression.
45 D...
Which of the following mathematical operator are placed in place of alphabet given in the equation to make it true?
54 a 7 c 9 f 45 h 12 ...