Varanasi, also known as Benares or Kashi, is often referred to as the spiritual capital of India. This city is renowned for its rich tapestry of music, arts, and devotion to the Hindu deity Shiva. Varanasi is one of the world's oldest continuously inhabited cities and attracts pilgrims who come to bathe in the sacred waters of the Ganges River and perform funeral rites.
200 20 4 ? 0.48 0.24
10 11 12 20 24 ?
221, 100, 0, -81, ?
...4, 5, 11, 34, 137, ?
64 32 32 48 96 ?
...143 119 107 101 98 ?
9000, 1800, 450, ?, 75, 75
What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series?
5, 14, 41, 122, 365, 1094, ?
64, 32, 48, 120, 420, ?
25 25 37.5 ? 328.125 1804.6875