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The scheme launched by the Uttar Pradesh government to boost milk production is called the "Nand Baba Milk Mission."
In the following question, one part of the sentence is being bold. Below are given options suggesting replacements to the bold part, which may improve ...
years, the share of Karnataka has reduced slightly,(A)/ notwithstanding a steady increase in the volume (B)/ by 0.249 lakh tonnes between 2022-23 and ...
The government has left many substitute and procedural clauses to the rule-making processes which result in considered divergences as States frame d...
In the questions, a part of the sentence is highlighted. Below are given alternatives to the highlighted part which may improve the sentence. Choose ...
In each of the following questions, a part of the sentence has been highlighted. You need to identify which of the given options can replace the highlig...
In the following question, a part of the sentence is underlined. Below the sentence are three alternatives to the underlined part. Select the alternativ...
The RBI had announced its intense to come out with an official digital currency, in the face of proliferation of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin ab...
Identify the best way to improve the underlined part of the given sentence. If there is no improvement required, select 'no improvement'.
My g...
Professor said that I will be late for the lecture.