The participant's load is low In weightlifting competitions, when there is a tie in the total lifted weight, the participant with the lower body weight at the weigh-in is declared the winner.
Which of the following weed species causes a major threat to sorghum production?
In C4 plants, Calvin cycle works at
Turgidity of a cell is maintained by:
How does Gladiolus exhibit acropetal succession in the opening of flowers?
Who has put forward the 'Law of Minimum'?
Highest SNF content is found in which animal milk?
Which of the following is not a bottom up technique for the synthesis of nanoparticles?
The Fungus which causes soft rot and leakage of juices from fruits such as tomato, sweet potato etc. is
In an average well decomposed FYM (Farmyard manure) contains
When total product remains constant, the marginal Product will be?