The provisions relating to the Finance Commission in the Indian Constitution are given in Article 280. Article 280 provides for the establishment of a Finance Commission by the President of India every five years or at such earlier time as he considers necessary. The Finance Commission's role is to make recommendations regarding the distribution of financial resources between the central government and the states.
________ has propounded that "output is a function of labour and capital".
Which of the following is not a method of measurement of soil moisture?
Proper time of sowing hybrid maize is:
In Animal science the term Stag refers to
The inflorescence of barley is:
Which cell organelle is a site of aerobic respiration?
If pH of the soil is 8, EC is > 4 mmhos/cm and ESP is 12% then soil is said to be
Select the pair which is wrongly matched in given options.
ATMA (agriculture technology management agency ) is operational at
Which of the following statements is/are true?
Statement A: Mica and biotite are the secondary minerals but also act as primary minerals.