In 2023, Ajay Singh, the Chairman and Managing Director of SpiceJet, was appointed as the President of the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM). He took over the position from Sumant Sinha, the Managing Director of Renew Power, after the completion of Sinha's tenure
Another change that (a) / I notice in her is that she (b) / avoids to speak to me. (c) / No error (d)
The documentary sheds light on the often overlooked aspects of urban life, highlighting the struggles and triumphs of individuals who are trying to m...
Find out the appropriate word.
Find out the appropriate word.
In the sentence, identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.
In the case of the guinea pig, the number of offsprings varies be...
I'm referencing the time when (A)/ the province leader visited the college (B)/ and saw, much to her disapproving, (C)/ that the classrooms were dingy (...
Given below are sentences with an error in each. The error is in one part of the sentence. Below each sentence are given the options containing the par...
In the following sentence, four words or phrases have been underlined. One of them is incorrect. Select the INCORRECT word or phrase from the given opti...
The sentence below has been divided into three parts. Select the part of the sentence that has an error. If the sentence has no error, select the option...
While another Council members made(A)/ statements after the vote on the resolution, (B)/India did not make any statement (C).