According to concept, 65, 180, 81, 6, 63, 27, 122, 8, 165, 50 should be arranged in ascending order. 6, 8, 27, 50, 63, 65, 81, 122, 165, 180 Now, according to concept, Median = (63+65)/ 2 = 64 Median is 64.
Who among the following person is the son of A?
C is the father of G, who is the grandson of R. W is the only daughter of R. R has only two children and only one of them is married. O is the mother-in...
U is the daughter in law of whom among the following
Who among the following person is the mother of N?
How is N related to the wife of S?
How is E related to D?
N is married to O. P is the daughter of N, who is the mother-in-law of Q. R is the son of Q. O has only one child. How is O related to Q?
In a family of six members, C is the daughter of U’s daughter only brother. E is the daughter-in-law of L, who is husband of U. Z is brother of B, the...
If brother of L is the husband of H’s son’s sister, then which of the following expression is true?
How is R related to S?