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The correct answer is B
Consider the following Statements.
(I) Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) was launched on 10th September 2020.
(II) The aim of t...
Which of the following Statements about the National Nutrition Mission is/are True?
(I)- National Nutrition Mission (NNM) is a multi-ministeri...
Which organization manages the 'Prime Minister's Scholarship Scheme (PMSS)'?
In the event of non-supply of food grains, how the Government compensate the beneficiaries under the NFSA?
What is the Objective of Swacchta Udyami Yojana
Announced on 15th August 2014, _________ is National Mission for Financial Inclusion to ensure access to financial services, namely, Banking/ Savings...
India Industrial Land Bank is ________________.
‘Global Findex database’ released by which of the following international organization?
Fill in the second Blank with the age group to which free and compulsory education is ensured through RTE Act?
Which of the following schemes is administered by Life Insurance Corporation?