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The correct answer is A
On which river is the capital city of Germany, Berlin, situated?
Recently a bus service from Agartala to Kolkata via Dhaka has been started. The name of the bus is:
Which of the following missile was built in India with Russian collaboration?
Which of the following state has signed a sister state agreement with Zurich to promote mutual development?
1. Which of the following bank organized an event called 'YES! I am the CHANGE' (YIAC)?
On which of the following date World habitat Day is celebrated every year?
What is the revised growth forecast for India for the fiscal year 2025 as recently updated by the World Bank?
Appan Menon Award is given in the field of _____
In which year did India first win a gold medal at the Olympic Games?
अंग्रेज पहली बार किसके शासनकाल में आये ?