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The correct answer is B
How many eligible crops get the Minimum Support Price (MSP) under Kharif, Rabi, and commercial crops?
Central Government’s PM FME scheme aims at providing financial, technical and business support to upgrade existing micro food processing enterpris...
Which among the following cannot take part in raising funds from the money market in India?
Which of the following statements about the PM SVANidhi Scheme are correct?
1. The scheme provides collateral-free loans to st...
Identify the correct statement about Financial Stability & Development Council.
1. It became operational in 2010
What is the primary aim of the Rashtriya e-Pustakalaya initiative launched by the Department of School Education?
Which of the following Ministries are involved in Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana?
(I)- Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfa...
Government fixes Minimum Support Price (MSP) for 22 mandated agricultural crops and Fair & Remunerative Price (FRP) for:
Recently, Indian Space Association (ISpA) was launched. It is ______________.
Which of the following sectors is not part of the Industrial Index of Production ?