The recent update in PMJDY focuses on extending financial inclusion from unbanked households to ensuring that every unbanked adult has access to banking services.
Vegetables play a very important role in Human nutrition. Vegetables are mostly of which nature?
The Scientific Panels and Scientific Committee provide the scientific opinion and assist Food
Authority in development of standards through a w...
MSP of Lentil of Rabi Marketing Season(2020-21)
Which crop is associated with the fungal disease known as "Karnal bunt," which is caused by the fungus Tilletia indica and results in the discoloration...
Which of the following statements is not true for Dhaincha?
A combination of horticultural crops, field crops and tree species is called:
What is the musk gland located in musk deer?
Free ‐ martin is
Which of the following is the traditional regulatory tool, which so far have been the focus of Food Safety and Standards Authority of India activities?
Which of the following rural development programme launched before independence?