The correct answer is D
What is the maximum default sentence that can be awarded in case of non payment of compensation under Section 358 CrPC?
For a revocation to be effective when should it be made?
The Registration Act provides that it shall not be necessary for the _____________________to appear in person or by agent at any registration office i...
Which section of IT Act 2000 deals with the punishment for cheating by impersonation by using computer resources?
According to the Registration Act _______________has the power to declare what language shall be deemed to be commonly used in each district
Under theBharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, which of the following constitutes an act of defamation?
A person shall be deemed to be dead if he remained unheard for ………….. years
The Investigating Authority shall have the power to keep in his custody any books, registers, other documents and record produced under this regulation ...
What is the Time period for making an appeal to the High Court if a person is aggrieved by the decision of the Appellate Tribunal under the Information ...
Which section of SEBI Act, 1992 deals with defaults by Stock Brokers