
    How can the findings of the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) study by biotechnologists at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGU) potentially impact rice cultivation in India?

    A By suggesting that all rice varieties require the same amount of nitrogen, simplifying fertilization practices. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B By demonstrating that increasing rice yield is the primary goal, regardless of nitrogen use efficiency. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C By providing insights that can lead to the development of new rice varieties with higher NUE, reducing fertilizer costs and minimizing environmental pollution. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D By confirming that higher NUE rice varieties produce lower yields, making them less desirable for cultivation. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E By indicating that nitrogen use efficiency is irrelevant to fertilizer costs and environmental impact. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    • Option C is correct because the study's findings about NUE variations can guide the development of new rice varieties that are more efficient in nitrogen use, thereby reducing fertilizer costs and environmental pollution. • Option A is incorrect because the study actually shows significant variation in NUE, suggesting that a uniform approach to nitrogen use is not applicable. • Option B is incorrect as the study indicates that focusing solely on yield is insufficient; improving NUE is also crucial. • Option D is incorrect because the study found that higher NUE does not always correspond to lower yields, and higher NUE varieties are not necessarily less desirable. • Option E is incorrect because the study highlights the relevance of NUE in reducing fertilizer costs and mitigating environmental impacts.

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