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The RBI's updated guidelines for DMT services aim to enhance security by requiring records of beneficiaries and mandating additional authentication for transactions, thereby promoting greater compliance and security in money transfers. · Under the new framework, remitting banks will be required to maintain records of the name and address of beneficiaries for cash pay-out services. · This has been done to improve traceability and accountability in cash-based transactions. · The RBI has said every transaction by a remitter will now require validation through an Additional Factor of Authentication (AFA). · Remitting banks must adhere to the regulations outlined in the Income Tax Act of 1961 regarding cash deposits.
Public documents mean & include:
The Competition Commission shall consist of a Chairperson and not less than ____________and not more than __________ other Members to be appointed by th...
What is private document?
Any private person may arrest any person who:
Wrongful gain is
Which section of the Contract Act defines "Sub Agent"?
What is the term of office of any director not being an official of Government or not being a whole-time director or official of the Reserve Bank as ...
Which of the following deductions under Section 7 of Payment of Wages Act is not authorized?
As per the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 mineral oils include _____________
The principle of “ex acquo et bono” is contained in