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The correct answer is D
Representatives of the Maratha Empire and the British East India Company signed the 'Treaty of Salbai' in which year?
How many fundamental duties are listed in the Indian Constitution as of 2022?
The old parliament house which is officially known as Samvidhan Sadan was under which legislature till 1947?
Famous musician Talvin Singh is associated with playing the ___________.
What is personal income?
By selling an item for ₹222, a person incurs a loss of ₹48. What is the percentage of loss incurred in the transaction?
Field medal is related to which of the following field?
Which of the following is included in the 'Cost of Inventory' according to Accounting Standard-2 (Inventory Valuation):
Which of the following body parts is directly affected in the disease called rickets?
In July 2021, who among the following became India’s first Union Minister of Cooperation?