India is ranked 3rd globally in the startup ecosystem, demonstrating its vibrant landscape for innovation and entrepreneurship.
Which of the following methods refers to deactivation of microbes in food using electricity?
Which of the following is an example of enzyme coagulated milk product?
a. Paneer
b. Dahl
c. Cheese
<...which of the following is used as adulterant in milk:
a. urea
b. starch
c. saw dust
Arrange the following according to their rate of initial growth
The principal microorganism for yogurt is ______________________
TDT represents…….of microbes
Saccharolytic bacteria hydrolyze polysaccharides to:
Mark the correct statement with regard to spices and essential oils:
a. Cinnamon is the bark of a tree
b. Cardamom is a d...
Lactose is
a. Monosaccharide
b. Disaccharide
c. milk sugar
d. reducing suga...
Match the following: