The 'Vajra Shot' is an India-made handheld anti-drone gun that was launched at the Swavlamban 2024 seminar organized by the Indian Navy. Developed by Chennai-based Big Bang Boom Solutions, this device is capable of detecting and jamming the communication frequency of drones. It is deployed by the Indian Army and Air Force and is designed to enhance security by countering drone threats.
What is the name of the feature that allows organisms to survive in the conditions of their habitat?
Major protein found in wheat is/are
The effect of pollen genes on parts of the seed developed form the mother tissue is known as:
Training and visit system is mainly known for
The finest and most popular variety of Mandarin orange
Economics is the study of the administration of scarce resources and the determinants of employment and income.” Definition of Economics was given by:...
Which of the following unit operations reduce the microbial load
Fertilizer are the nutrient supplements which promotes growth and development of the crop. Maximum N content found in N fertilizer
bhindi yellow vein clearing disease is transmited by
Fat soluble vitamins include: