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Urban Population in India- In India out of the total population of 1210.2 million as of 1st March 2011, about 377.1 million are in urban areas. The net addition of population in urban areas over the last decade is 91.0 million. The percentage of the urban population to the total population of the country stands at 31.6. There has been an increase of 3.35 percentage points in the proportion of the urban population in the country during 2001-2011. The provisional results of Census 2011 reveal that there is an increase of 2774 towns comprising 242 Statutory and 2532 Census towns over the decade. The growth rate of the population in urban areas was 31.8%. Among all the States and Union territories, the National Capital Territory of Delhi and the Union Territory of Chandigarh are the most urbanized with 97.5% and 97.25% urban population respectively, followed by Daman and Diu (75.2% and Puducherry (68.3%). Urban population (lowest) – Himachal Pradesh (10%) Bihar (11.3%) Assam (14.1%) Odisha (16.7%). Urban population (highest) Maharashtra 50.8 million persons (13.5%) of the total urban population of the country. Uttar Pradesh (44.4 million) Tamil Nadu (34.9 million)
A sugar solution in a tube of length 2.0 dm produces optical rotation of 12°. Then, the sugar solution is diluted to one half of its initial concentra...
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A plane electromagnetic wave travels in vacuum along z-direction. What can you say about the directions of its electric and magnetic field vectors? If t...
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If the vector sum of torques acting on a system is zero, then the object is in:
In a concave mirror which of the following pair of position of object – size of the image is correct?
I. At infinity – point sized
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