SEBI increased the threshold for Basic Service Demat Accounts (BSDA) to Rs. 10 Lakhs, allowing investors to maintain these accounts without annual maintenance charges up to this limit.
Who is Grandson of O?
Which among the following is/are the husband-wife pair?
...How is G related to E?
J is the father of H but H is not the son of J, who is married to Q. O is the mother-in-law of Q. How is H related to F, if F is married to O?
How is Y related to Z?
How is E related to H?
N is the grandmother of _____.
How is N related to J?
W is the brother of C. B is the sister of I, who is the son of O. P is the daughter-in-law of C. I is married to P. C is not a male. How is W related to O?
How many male members are there in the family?