India has signed FTAs with Australia, Japan, South Korea, and Canada, but Brazil is not part of these agreements.
Which of the following Articles in the Constitution deals with the applicability of habeas corpus?
Whether intoxication is a valid defence under IPC?
A, a surgeon, in good faith, communicates to a patient his opinion that he cannot live. The patient dies in consequence of the shock. He had knowledge o...
As discussed under General defences in IPC, which of the following is not recognized as a valid consent under any section IPC?
Under what conditions can a court allow amendments to pleadings during proceedings?
Who can file a complaint in a District consumer dispute redressal commission?
The Writ Jurisdiction of High Court is wider than Writ Jurisdiction of Supreme Court.
Examine the correct answer.
Which of the following is no more a recognized form of punishment in India as per IPC?
In case the imprisonment awarded exceeds 3 months and Solitary Confinement has to be imposed, how many days of solitary confinement can be granted in on...
Which of the following offences is not covered by the general defence mentioned under S. 94 that is act compelled by threats of IPC?